Emerging at T-Junctions – Restricted View
Watch on for our emerging at T-Junctions - restricted view video, where we discuss how to approach T-Junctions with a limited view.
Watch on for our emerging at T-Junctions - restricted view video, where we discuss how to approach T-Junctions with a limited view.
In today's video, we talk about the road sign making you aware that you are going to have to stop in 100 yards.
Watch on for our emerging at T-Junctions - approaching video, where we discuss how to approach T-Junctions safely.
In today's video, we talk about the hazard perception test and the example potential hazard of a cyclist (3 of 3)
Watch on for our emerging at T-Junctions open & closed video, where we discuss the difference between the two types.
In today's video, we talk about the road sign making you aware that you are soon merging onto a main road.
Watch on for our emerging at T-Junctions introduction, where we break down everything you will learn about in this series.
In today's video, we talk about the hazard perception test and the example potential hazard of a cyclist (2 of 3)
Watch on as we recap the previous lessons we have demonstrated in this turning right skills check. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE.
In today's video, we talk about traffic road signs making you aware of an upcoming T-Junction to the right
Learn the process of turning right - making the turn in a safe and efficient manner, keeping an eye on potential hazards.
In today's video, we talk about the hazard perception test and the example potential hazard of a cyclist (1 of 3)
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right speed and gear video; a look at proper planning for right turns.
In today's road sign, we are discussing an upcoming T-junction to the left. Watch on as we discuss the importance of this sign.
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right position video; a look at how to perfectly position before a right turn.
To earn your licence, you'll have to pass the hazard perception test. To make sure you're prepared, watch on as we discuss what are hazards?
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right second right video; a look at taking the second roads on the right.
In today's road sign, we are discussing an upcoming bend with an inside junction. Watch on as we discuss the importance of this sign.
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right signal video; a look at using proper signalling for safe driving.
To earn your licence, you'll have to pass the hazard perception test. To make sure you're prepared, listen to our hazard perception advice!
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right mirrors video; a look at using proper observational skills during your right turns.
In today's road sign, we are discussing a warning of a bend to the right sign. Watch on as we discuss the importance of this sign.
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right hazards video; a brief overview on applying the hazard routine for right turns.
Pass plus courses are additional training for when you have passed your driving test. But are they worth it? Find out now!
Prepare for your right turns with our turning right intro where we will be discussing how to safely perform a right turn.
Warning a bend is upcoming is an important part of road safety and the subject of today's road sign. Watch on for more info!
Watch on for info on left turns - test day. Learn about what the process is for performing a left turn on the day of your test.
Heard the myth about female drivers being worse than male ones? Watch on as we break down the truth about this myth by looking at the data!
Watch on for info on left turns - taking second roads. Learn the correct process for performing a left turn on the second road.
Learn more about today's road sign, informing you of upcoming traffic that will be merging from the left and what to do!
Watch on for info on left turns - recognising junctions. Learn how to recognise junctions early ahead of a left turn.
Intending on getting a car after your test? Watch on as we discuss saving some money with black box insurance!
Watch on for info on left turns - skills check. This video will go over the skills you have developed by this point of our left turn videos.
Learn more about today's staggered junction road sign and how to safely approach and navigate a staggered junction.
Watch on for info on left turns - making the turn. This video will demonstrate the correct way of making the turn.
Intending on getting a car after your test? Watch on as we discuss using your own car and what can be different.
Watch on for info on left turns - speed and gear. This video will demonstrate the correct speed and gear for left turns.
Learn more about today's double bend warning road sign and how this to safely navigate two bends in a row.
Watch on for info on left turns - position. This video will demonstrate how to get into the correct position for performing a left turn.
Not seen a theory question before? Watch on as we discuss what to do in this scenario and how to proceed with your test!
Watch on for info on left turns - signal complex left turns. This video will demonstrate how to signal for complex turns.
Learn more about today's chevrons road sign and how this clues you in to navigating chevrons safely and efficiently.
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing why you don't try to cheat, and what happens if you do.
Watch on for info on left turns -signal. This video will demonstrate how to efficiently signal when conducting a left turn.
Learn more about today's roundabout road signs and how this clues you in to navigating roundabouts safely and efficiently.
With more potential hazards on the streets, it's important to stay observant. Read on for our guide to safe driving during Halloween.
Watch on for info on left turns - using mirrors. This video will demonstrate how to conduct the hazard routine for left turns.
The DVSA recently published their top 10 reasons for test fails. Find out what they are so that you can avoid them!
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing the importance of driving lesson price & length
Watch on for info on the left turns hazard routine. This video will demonstrate how to conduct the hazard routine for left turns.
Learn more about today's road signs - informing you of an upcoming junction to the right. Watch on to find out more info!
Watch on for our left turns intro. This video will give a quick overview of what can be expected when it comes to left turns.
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing driving lesson tips that you should bear in mind when learning to drive.
Watch on for our guide for moving off & stopping - test day . This video will discuss what is expected and how to prepare.
Learn more about today's road signs - Stop and Give Way signs. What's the difference? Watch on to find out more info!
Watch on for our guide to parking safely. This video will discuss how to stop and park without causing danger to others!
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing test routes and whether learning them before the test is worth it.
Watch on for our guide to uphill starts. This video will discuss the basic steps involved perform an uphill start safely!
Brush up on your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test with today's road sign informing you of a dual carriageway distance
Watch on for our uphill start overview. This video will discuss the basic steps involved perform an uphill start safely!
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing why you don't assume you've failed when a mistake has been made.
Watch on as we discuss how to perform downhill starts. This video will discuss the basic steps involved to do it safely!
Brush up on your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test with today's road sign warning you of no through road.
Watch on as we discuss reversing on the right - stopping. This video will discuss the basic steps involved to do it safely!
In this week's Tricks, Myths & Hacks video, we're discussing repeat instructions and how it can be beneficial.
Watch on as we discuss reversing on the right with this quick overview covering the basic steps involved to do it safely!
Brush up on your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test with today's road sign warning you of a dual carriageway ahead.
When the sun is low, you may find yourself blinded while driving. This is no good. Read on for our list of key low sunlight driving tips.
Ready to test your theory knowledge? Click on the link now to access our quiz testing your knowledge of the theory questions!
If you have been following the series, you will have now reached the moving off & stopping - angle start section.
It's the day of the test. You need to pick a car for the test. How to decide? Watch on as we look at why you should use the instructor's car!
Speed limits are a crucial part of road safety and are in place for a reason. So read on as we delve into the UK's national speed limits.
If you have been following the series, you will have now reached the moving off & stopping - stopping in traffic section.
The DVSA have released guidance on cancellation appointments and the dangers involved when it comes to giving away your information.
Brush up on your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test with today's road sign for bus only parking.
The dangers of hands-free mobile use have been researched thoroughly in this video presentation to improve your road safety knowledge!
When cleaning your car, more attention should be paid to the wheels - Often the dirtiest part. Today we discuss how to clean your car wheels.
If you have been following the series, you will have now reached the moving off & stopping skills check point. Watch on for a recap!
It's the day of the test, so if there's one thing you must definitely remember is don't be late for your appointment!
Scratches are a common type of vehicle damage, which is why it's handy to know how to go about removing scratches from your paintwork.
Watch on as we break down the POM Routine - Moving Off step. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE Driving School.
Expand your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test with today's sign - The contraflow bus lane road sign!
Watch on as we break down the POM Routine - Moving Off step. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE Driving School.
With your test day approaching, now is a good time to acquaint yourself with exactly what to take to your test!
Watch on as we break down the POM Routine - Observe step. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE Driving School.
Want to improve your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test? Watch on for today's contraflow bus & cycle lane road sign.
Watch on as we break down the POM Routine - Prepare step. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE Driving School.
Want to know what the best practices are for your driving test appointment? Watch on to find out more and make sure you're prepared!
Watch on as we break down the POM Routine in this intro video. Learn to drive safely with DRIVE Driving School.
Want to improve your road sign knowledge ahead of your theory test? Watch on for today's bus stand road sign.
Learn and master the basics of moving off & stopping with DRIVE Driving School to ensure you pass your test!
What does it mean to be test ready? Watch our video and learn whether you are ready to take your driving test!
Interview with Diane Hall - Founder of the highly successful L of a way 2 Pass programme - Hosted by Mike Fowler.
With the 2024 Euros starting, now is a good a time as any to familiarise yourself with some of the strangest driving rules of Europe.
What are the benefits of car insurance excess and is it worth paying more? Read on as we discuss all you need to know!
What is comprehensive car insurance? In this guide, we will break down different types of car insurance so you know which is best for you!
Getting sick of driving lessons and just want to be driving independently? Read on for info on how to achieve a first time pass!
Knowing how to reverse safely is crucial for passing your test! Read on as we break down the top tips for reversing.
A key feature of road visibility is the Cats Eye. But where did it come from? Read on as we delve into the history of Cats Eyes!
If you're unsure of the importance of speed bumps, then read on as we break down their purpose and variations!
If you're wondering what the rules for seatbelts are, then worry no more! Read on as we break down all to know about seatbelts!
Long-standing DRIVE member, Keith Arksey, took part in the Northumbria Blood Bikes Charity Event - Read on for more info.
"Can I refuse a driving manoeuvre during the test?" Is a question that many learners be wondering. Read on as we break it down!
With many silver screen legends having iconic cars, we thought we'd look at the best! Join us as we look at 5 iconic cars of film history.
Gain an understanding of the Highway Code as we delve into what it covers, its importance and why you should know it!
Clear, unobstructed vision equals a safe journey! Read on to find out why you should maintain your windscreen!
Discover the importance of car headrests in the UK and their safety benefits. Learn why proper adjustment matters!
Gain an understanding of traffic lights laws of the UK. From red to green, know when to stop, go, and stay safe on the road. Read more now!
Struggling to lock down a date for your practical test? To help, we've created a list of booking your test tips to get that date secured!
What is the importance of the hazard perception test and why do learners have to pass it? Read on as we break down why it's useful.
Why is keeping your car in good condition important? Read on as we break down the reasons why you should be caring for your car!
What are the dangers of drink driving? Read on as we break down all you need to know about driving while under the influence of alcohol.
The consequences of dangerous driving have became more severe in recent years. Read on as we discuss what dangerous driving could get you.
In this article, we look at some of the most common driving offences and how you can prevent yourself from doing them!
What are ADIs and PDIs and why do you need to know the difference? Read on as we break down the different types of instructors.
Coasting can cause unnecessary danger on the roads due to the lack of control. Read on as we discuss how to avoid coasting.
Knowing when to change gears is vital to efficient driving. Read on as we discuss when to switch and the benefits!
What are the manoeuvres required for your test? Read on as we discuss each one and the steps involved to a perfect manouevre.
Discover what reference points are in driving, their types, and how to use them effectively to enhance your skills behind the wheel.
Intensive driving seems like the quickest way of passing, but what are the cons of intensive driving? Read on for more information!
Discover what rubbernecking is and its impact on drivers. Why it's crucial to stay focused on your side of the road and to ensure safety.
Learn essential tips for driving through tunnels safely. From approaching with caution to handling emergencies, here's all you need to know!
Facing issues while driving can be problematic, especially when involving wildlife. Read on as we discuss avoiding wildlife collisions.
Want a full learning to drive timeline to ensure you're going along the right path? Read on and see where you're at!
Read on as we go over just some of the many driving facts you likely weren't taught when learning to drive.
Want to know if it's okay taking your test in a different city? Read on as we discuss all you need to know!
"What is the Dutch Reach?" You may have heard the term but don't know what it is. Read on as we discuss all you need to know!
Confused by what different traffic light sequences mean? Read our traffic lights rundown and you'll soon know all you need to know!
Want to have the best chance at not failing your test? Read our driving test instant fails list so you know what to avoid!
Want to know how to brake properly so you can stay safe on the road? Read our guide in order to master the art of braking!
Read on as we discuss new safety features modern cars should have and what they can do to make the roads safer!
Finding the biting point is a crucial part of proper clutch control. But what is the process? Read on and ask no more!
"What Happens If I Fail My Test?" Many learners wonder this. Read on as we go through all you need to know in the event of a failed test.
Wanting to know how to master hill starts? DRIVE Driving School is here to help! Read on as we break down all you need to know!
Why learn with an instructor when you can learn with your friends/family? Read on as we discuss the benefits of learning with an instructor.
Roundabouts are a common feature on UK roads but can be daunting to learner drivers. Read on as we discuss how to master roundabouts!
Want to know what the benefits of mock driving tests are? Read on as we discuss what they are and why you should have them!
Driving while tired poses significant risk to yourself and others. Read on as we discuss the dangers of tired driving.
Need to buy a gift for a car enthusiast but don't know what to get? We've created this handy list of the best car gifts you can get!
New to the motorways and feeling nervous? Read our guide on merging and exiting motorways and you should have no issue joining the traffic!
Unsure about how you can be protecting your personalised plate in a crash? Read on as we explain what happens and what to do.
Wanting to learn more about the inner workings of your vehicle? Read on for more information on car parts and what they do.
Need to drive to the vets but unsure what the rules are for driving with your dog? Read on to find out the do's and do not's.
Want to make sure your driving a manual car the right way? Read our guide to know what not to do in a manual car!
Car alarm going off for no apparent reason? Read on for possible reasons and information on turning off your car alarm.
Want to know what comes out of your vehicle and how it affects you? Read our vehicle exhaust emissions rundown for more information!
Good eyesight and driving safely go hand in hand. But can you still drive with limited eyesight? Read on for more information!
Gearbox issues can be expensive to fix, which is why it's better to catch them early. Read on for 10 signs your gearbox is failing.
Had a quote from an insurance company and you're not happy with the result? Here are the best ways of lowering your insurance.
Knowing how to jump start a car might be something you never need to put into practice, but it's best to be prepared!
Stuck in rush hour traffic and getting frustrated? You're not alone, which is why we've made this guide to dealing with rush hour traffic.
In the market for a new car? To make sure you get the best deal possible, read our guide to haggling car prices and purchase like a pro!
Experiencing flooding in your area and need to drive? Read our advice for driving in floodwater to prevent damage to yourself or your car.
Experiencing flooding in your area and need to drive? Read our advice for driving in floodwater to prevent damage to yourself or your car.
Not using your car as frequently as before? Follow our guide for maintaining your car when using it less to ensure it stays raring to go!
Is the inside of your car feeling like a slum? We've created this list of car interior cleaning tips to help you out!
A key feature of road safety, in this guide, we look at how airbags work, their effectiveness and how to maintain them.
A higher annual mileage will result in higher insurance premiums. To reduce this, read our guide to lower mileage for our advice!
While the U.K. isn't known for it's hot weather, it's best to be prepared. Read on for our list of tips for driving safely in a heatwave!
At university and want to learn to drive? Read our guide on saving for driving lessons as a student to make sure you get the best deal!
Think the U.K. has strange road laws? Read on as we take a look at the weirdest driving laws in the world.
Driving tests around the world can range from shockingly easy to extremely hard, read on as we look at different country's tests.
What can affect your insurance may surprise you. In this article, we provide a few of the reasons that you may not have known about.
Running out of oil can be disastrous for your engine. To prevent this, read our guide on checking your engine oil.
If you're a driver that wants to do your part in helping the environment, then read our guide on how to reduce your emissions!
A way of combating air pollution, Low Emission Zones are being established all around Europe. Read on for all you need to know about LEZ's!
Interested in a car with a stop-start engine? Read on as we look at the myths of stop-start engines and break them down.
In this article, we look at exactly what engine idling is, how is it linked to air pollution and what we can do to stop it.
Once the L plates are off, it's easy to fall into bad habits. So here are some of the many car damaging driving habits to stop doing!
What is Adaptive Cruise Control? Read on for more information regarding the technological innovation for vehicles.
Getting ready to set off on a road trip? Get accustomed with car roof weight limits and use that extra storage space!
Not sure what the right thing to do after an accident is? We've created this handy guide to let you know the steps you need to take!
What is Autonomous Emergency Braking? Read on for more information on one of the biggest developments in vehicle safety!
If your car is making unexpected noises, then read our guide to find out what it could be and what can be done to fix it.
Want to make your car feel more individual? Read the personalised car number plate rundown to get all the necessary info!
As more and more ERA's are developed along motorways, it's important to know what exactly are Emergency Refuge Areas
Problems with brakes can be a source of worry for any driver. In this guide, we'll go through the best ways of dealing with squeaky brakes.
Staying on top of maintenance is key to the health of a vehicle. But where do you start when it comes to finding your car's service history?
How long do car batteries last is an important question to ask to maintain your car. Read on to find out how to extend the battery life.
Undertaking can be dangerous and is considered dangerous driving. However, is there any situation where undertaking is allowed?
Fronting is a form of insurance fraud that many may accidentally do. Find out more about it and why fronting should be avoided by reading on!
The annual MOT test can quickly become expensive, but there are ways to limit the costs. Read on for our tips for saving money on your MOT.
Being stuck in the mud is something every driver wishes to avoid. To easily resolve it, follow our guide on freeing a stuck in the mud car.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is extremely dangerous. For the best ways to avoid this, read our guide on staying awake while driving.
A new experiment to reduce emissions while lowering noise and air pollution, in this article, we discuss what are Low Traffic Neighbourhoods?
In this article, we look at the problem with middle-lane hogging, the legality of it and if it is ever justified to do so?
Contrary to popular belief, using bus lanes can be permitted depending on the circumstances. Read on to find out more...
Engine oil is key to maintaining your car. However, picking the right oil is just as necessary. Read on for a complete guide to engine oil.
Brakes are essential to road safety. But what to do when the brake pads need replacing? Read on for all you need to know about brake pads!
Space saver wheels are great in emergencies, but it's important to know when they should be used and their limits. Read on for more info!
Unsure what the parent and child parking rules are? This guide looks at everything you need to know for parking with a child!
What is car cloning and how can it make you falsely accused of a crime? Read on for information on what it is and what to do.
Car sickness can ruin any good road trip, so read on to find out the best ways for dealing with car sickness.
One of the most important safety features for cars, read on for information and to find out what are Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS).
Vehicle Excise Duty, also known as vehicle tax, is mandatory for most vehicles. But what are the consequences of driving without tax?
Stuck in traffic while cars pass by can be infuriating. But, it can actually ease traffic. Read on for info on the benefits of zip-merging.
Worrying about that puddle under your car? Read on and learn the different ways of identifying car leaks so you know what steps to take!
Unsure what car services are or what's involved in the process? Read our car service rundown to have all your questions answered!
Preparing for your theory test is the best way of being ready for it. To improve your chances, follow our tips for passing your theory test.
The theory test is a crucial step in getting your driving licence. Read on for tips on revising for your theory test.
Tailgaters can be intimidating, but dealing with them is the first step to staying safe. Read on for our guide on dealing with tailgaters.
After passing your test, driving alone for the first time can be a scary process. Read on for our top tips to your first solo journey!
Learning to drive can be a costly a process. Follow our steps for learning to drive on a budget in order to cut down those costs!
Nervous about learning how to drive in London? Follow our top tips for driving in London and worry no more!
Feel more comfortable driving your own car? Find out exactly what requirements are needed for using your own car for the driving test.
Cruise control is a useful tool for maintaining your fuel efficiency, but what is cruise control like on wet roads? Read on for more info...
If Urban Clearways are unfamiliar to you, then read on to find out what is an urban clearway and what the rules are!
Pay and Display parking rules can be a nightmare for new learners. Read on as we break down all you need to know!
Want to have the maximum comfort and safety while driving? Read our guide on setting up your car seat and this won't be an issue!
Can I supervise a learner driver is a question you may be wondering. Read on to find out if you are eligible to teach someone to drive!
Pre test nerves are natural, however it can also be detrimental. Read on for information on using mindfulness to pass your driving test!
Choosing the right driving instructor is a significant factor in learning to drive. Here, we share our top 4 ways of picking the right one!
Getting to grips with the motorway can be tricky, that's why we've created this guide on how you should be using the hard shoulder.
Driving around with friends in your car is a great feeling, however there are certain things to consider when driving with passengers.
Trying to find a parking spot but can only find on-street parking? Read on as we explain the on-street parking rules.
With 15% of the UK population being smokers, it doesn't hurt to know what the laws surrounding smoking in cars.
More tests result in fails rather than passes. So we've made this list of the most common reasons for test fails, so you can avoid them!
One of the key elements of the driving test and road safety is checking your blind spots. Read on for information on approaching these checks.
Read our article to have the minor driving test faults explained. What are they, how many can you get and which are the most popular?
If it's been a while since you passed your test and you feel nervous, read on for our advice on why you should take refresher lessons!
Unsure on whether you want to start learning to drive? Read on to find out why driving is an essential skill.
Want to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users? Follow DRIVE Driving School's essential road safety trips.
Unsure of what to expect with the show me, tell me section of the test? Follow our guide on the show me, tell me questions!
Want to know the best ways of keeping up with your car maintenance? Follow our DIY guide on car maintenance.
If your car is overheating and you're not sure how far you can drive it, then read our guide on overheating cars!
Keeping your distance is a key element of road safety, so read on as we explain the two second rule and why it works!
Seatbelts are a vital part of road safety and precaution, which is why, in this guide, we are looking at the importance of seatbelts.
In this guide, we look at what exactly are speed awareness courses, what to expect from them and why are they being implemented?
In this guide, we look at learning to drive with a disability, what challenges can be expected and what steps can be taken.
Passed your test and interested in earning while driving? Here are just a few ways of making money with your licence!
Petrol cars vs electric cars. There are arguments to made for which is better. Read on as we break down these arguments and evaluate each one.
What are graduated licence schemes and how may they affect you? Read on as we break them down and evaluate the pros and cons.
Driving while tired poses significant risk to yourself and others. Read on as we discuss the dangers of tired driving.
The sizes of car engines can seem confusing at first, which is why we have made this guide to explain the basics of car engine sizes!
Road markings are a crucial element of driving. Read on as we discuss the UK road markings and explain their meaning.
Unsure about which sign means what on a Smart Motorway? Read our guide for information on the Smart Motorway signs.
Nerves through the roof about driving? You're not alone. Read on to find out what people's greatest driving fears are and how to best them!
Looking to spruce up your car and give it a more unique look? Here are 7 car customisation ideas to help inspire your creativity!
In this guide, we're looking at how to set up your car steering wheel. Read on as we discuss each of the steps.
One of the key elements of driving is the mirrors. Follow along as we walk you through how to set up your car mirrors.
Not sure exactly what are smart motorways? We're here to help with this article breaking down all you need to know about smart motorways.
Feel underprepared for tackling the motorway? Read our motorway driving rundown for a comprehensive breakdown of what to expect!
Driving an automatic but feeling nervous about doing a hill start? Read on for our guide to performing hill starts in an automatic car.
Wanting to learn how to drive but are worried your hearing is impaired? Read on to find out how you can drive if you're deaf.
Fancy treating yourself to a brand new car but not sure where to start? It's easy! Just follow our advice for buying a new car!
Wanting to save some money while purchasing a car? Read our advice for buying a used car to get the best deal!
Passed your driving test and looking into insurance for your car? Read our overview of young driver insurance to get the best deal possible!
DRIVE Driving School have created this black box insurance rundown to teach you everything you need to know about black box insurance!
Needing help for dealing with junctions? Read our guide on the different types of junctions, what to expect and how to prepare!
Wondering when should you use your sidelights? Follow our guide for information regarding sidelights and when they should be switched on!
Wondering when should you use your sidelights? Follow our guide for information regarding sidelights and when they should be switched on!
Unsure as to who has right of way at junctions? We have created this guide to help clear up any doubt and make you feel safer on the roads!
Interested in switching from manual to automatic? Read on information on the main aspects of driving an automatic car.
One of the more confusing types of junction is the box junction. Read on to find out what exactly are the box junction rules?
The national speed limit is as important as it can be confusing. Read on to gain a greater understanding of the national speed limit.
Recently passed your driving test but looking to expand your knowledge? Read on for our list of tips and tricks for new drivers!
Unsure of which light does what? DRIVE Driving School have created this handy rundown of car lights to keep you informed and safe!
Want to do your part in making the roads politer? Read on for a list of top tips on how to be a courteous driver!
Heard of the dangers of black ice but aren't sure what it is? Read on for all you need to know about black ice!
Wondering what the advantages and disadvantages of learning to drive are? Read on to see how if you really do need to learn to drive?
Bought a new car and want to get the most bang for your buck? Follow our guide on the best ways for making your car last longer!
Is your car a mess and you're not sure where to start? Read on for our advice on the best ways of keeping your car clean!
Nervous about driving with children in the car? Follow our handy guide for tips & tricks for a smooth drive
From managing your own feelings to how to avoid the wrath of others, we have you covered on all you need to know about controlling road rage!
Having your car stolen is a source of worry for many drivers. To help, we have compiled a list of the best ways for keeping your car secure.
Not sure what to check to pass your MOT? Read on for some quick tips on what you can check to give yourself the best chance at passing!
Worried about driving on country roads? Our handy guide is here to help prepare you for what to expect and what to do!
Just woke up and found your car windscreen has frosted over? Learn today the key steps for defrosting your car windscreen!
Worried about driving with low visibility? Follow our guide on driving safely in fog to help you reach your destination!
Wanting to know the major differences between city and country driving? Read on for more information on what to expect!
Ready to go to university but unsure of what to do with your car? We've compiled a list of pros and cons of taking your car to university!
With the temptation to check your phone posing serious risk, we have made this handy list of tips for avoiding your phone while driving.
You may have heard of aquaplaning but may not know what it is or how to react. In this guide, we will break down exactly what is aquaplaning?
With fuel costs steadily increasing, we have created this guide to advise on how best to save fuel while driving!
Wanting to know the best way of changing lanes safely? Follow our guide where we break down the steps and how to approach it.
Wondering whether you should buy a dash cam? Read on as we weigh up the pros and cons of owning a dash cam!
A question every driver wonders is should they buy a new or a used car? We have created this guide to breakdown the pros and cons to both!
Unsure of what the different yellow lines mean on roads? No worries, DRIVE Driving School has created this guide to help you understand!
One of the most common motoring offences is speeding. To combat this, we've created a list of tips to help you stop speeding!
Currently, there is no maximum age for driving in the UK. However, many do wonder whether there should be a cut-off age for driving?
In this guide, we’ll share a few top tips to help you figure out exactly how you should be driving around cyclists and how you can stay safe.
Changed your mind about driving automatic and want to switch to manual? Follow our guide on tips for upgrading from manual to automatic!
Wanting to do your part to save the environment but still want to drive? Here are some eco-friendly driving habits to start now!
Nervous about your first driving lesson? Knowing what to expect can certainly help to ease your mind, read on for more information!
Unsure about what to do if you witness an accident while driving? In this article, we'll cover the obligations and necessary advice.
Want to make your car last as long as possible? Read DRIVE Driving School's handy guide on how to avoid car wear and tear.
Scared to get behind the wheel? Here is a guide of key techniques that can help you overcome your fear of driving.
Having a hard time deciding whether to go for diesel or petrol? Read our handy guide for a breakdown on the pros and cons of both!
Feeling nervous about towing a trailer for the first time? Let DRIVE Driving School set your mind at ease by reading our guide!
Not sure how to prepare for an MOT Test or what to expect? Read our handy guide for more information on what will happen!
Wanting more information on photocard driving licences. DRIVE Driving School have created this guide to provide everything you need to know!
Lost your driving licence and unsure of what to do? Read on for information on who to contact and what your next steps should be!
Moved address and not sure what do you with driving licence details? This guide will breakdown how to change your driving licence address.
Many learners often reflect on their experience with regrets. To avoid this, here is a list of their biggest regrets!
Returning to driving after a long break can be nerve-wracking. To rebuild your confidence and ensure your safety, read our handy guide!
One of the common issues drivers may face is how it feels to drive with different loads in their car. Read our guide for more info!
Wondering what happens after you pass your theory test? Wonder no more! Read on for more information for what happens next!
No idea of the importance, in certain areas, of parking in gear? Read our guide to find out how it can be better than parking in neutral.
Unsure about if it's legal to chow down on a snack while driving? Read on for more information on the legality of eating while driving.
Unsure about when to do the theory? Feeling unprepared? Read on for info on when to take the theory test and building confidence for it.
Unsure about when should you signal while driving? This guide is here to help by providing a list of reasons and how to signal!
Unsure whether you can drive while pregnant? In this guide, we'll discuss the DVSA's advice and provide tips on staying safe and comfortable.
Need more information on the theory test and what to expect? Here is DRIVE Driving School's Theory Test Rundown to help!
Wondering what happens if you fail your theory test? We have made this guide to let you know what's next in the event of a fail.
Wondering whether you can refuse an examiner for your driving test and what circumstances would permit it? Read on for more information!
Wondering what happens if you end up stuck in traffic on your test? Here is all the information you will need to best be prepared!
Unhappy with the result of your practical driving test? DRIVE Driving School talks through how to appeal the result and what can happen.
One of the most vital elements of driving, this handy guide will teach you everything you need to know about steering a car.
One of the essential manouevres and key to being a skilled driver, in this guide, we talk you through how to pull over safely.
Feeling underprepared for the emergency stop? DRIVE Driving School has created this handy guide to help set your mind at ease!
Want to know what happens after passing your driving test? DRIVE Driving School have created this handy guide to let you know what's next!
DRIVE Driving School's step by step guide on the turn in the road manoeuvre, how to approach it and perfect it!
DRIVE Driving School's step by step guide on the parallel parking manoeuvre, how to approach it and perfect it!
DRIVE Driving School's step by step guide on the reversing around a corner manoeuvre, how to approach it and perfect it!
DRIVE Driving School's step by step guide on the bay parking manoeuvre, how to approach it and perfect it!
DRIVE Driving School's step by step guide on the pulling up on the right manoeuvre and how to approach it.
If you're driving in Britain, you need to be prepared for rain. To make this process easy, we've created a list of tips for driving in rain.
Whether you're a learner preparing for the driving test, or an experienced driver testing out the wonders of satellite navigation for the first time, we're here to help!
Everyone knows that it's bad to get points. However, you may still have questions about them. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know!
Otherwise known as the V5C, the vehicle log book has numerous purposes, so it's vital that you know what it is and when you might need it
Everything you need to know about the Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) and how it can affect you as a driver.
Certain situations require different uses of each brake. Read on and find out when the foot brake and handbrake should be used!
It is vital to show up to the test with the right things. If you don’t, it may be cancelled! Here is what to take to your driving test.
Hazard warning lights aren't used very often, but it's important that you know when you should and that you use them correctly.
We all dread breaking down while driving, however, it helps to be prepared in case. Here is a guide on what to do if your car breaks down.
Deciding when to take to the road is important. Here are some key factors you should consider when thinking about taking lessons.
Driving on the motorway can be nerve-wracking. That is why we have created a list of motorway driving tips to help put your mind at ease.
After passing, the first post-test drive alone can be daunting. To lessen that stress, we have provided some tips and advice for your drive.
Our guide will take you through the key car controls you’ll be expected to know, their purpose and how to operate them.
Whether you've bought a new car or need to borrow someone else's, here are the simple steps for adjusting to a new car.
What are the rules and tips for passing parked cars and how to react appropriately to them.
Feeling nervous about driving in the city centre? Read this guide to find out how best to approach city centre driving.
Driving comes with plenty of everyday challenges. Here are some specific skills to help prevent accidents and reduce the risk of collision.
What to do when dealing with bad drivers on the road and how to be best prepared when in this situation.
Some top tips to help you overcome your clutch control problems and be able to enjoy smooth driving from now on.
A list of dos and don'ts to follow while driving in hot weather to ensure a stress-free summer road trip.
In this article, we’ll guide you through the circumstances in which an examiner might stop the driving test early.
A guide on the different types of driving test faults, how to avoid them and what the consequences are.
Advice on observation at junctions and how to approach them safely.
Advice for when it comes to driving with limited visibility and how to stay safe at night.
A step by step tutorial on what to do when pulled over by the police.
Assorted lists of essential items to keep in your car for different situations and conditions.
A car's stopping distance is an important part of any learner driver's theory test. Read on for more information.
Stalling can affect everyone, from beginners to experienced drivers. Find out everything you need to know about stalling!
Getting a flat tyre is a common hazard that can happen any to other driver. Find out what to do in this event and how to prevent it!
The history of the theory test from its inception to the present day.
The pros and cons of mock driving tests, how to prepare for them and what to expect.
Advice on how to apply and re-apply for your provisional driving licence.
How to demist your windscreen quickly, so you won’t have to sit and wait all morning for it to clear!
Information on how to safely let emergency vehicles past in case of an accident.
What is the blind spot? It's a term you may have heard but not understand, so read on as we discuss what it is and why it's crucial to know.
Struggling to fully master the cockpit drill? Follow these 6 steps and you will have it perfected in no time!
Follow these tips to increase your chances of passing the practical driving test!
Here are some common driving habits that you shouldn't be doing!
A glossary of key words relating to learning to drive.
Some fun facts relating to driving!
Six methods on relaxation before the practical driving test.
Are you ready to become a confident driver? Then sign up today!
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know about Trainee Licence time management.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know about getting your trainee licence location.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know about getting your trainee licence insurance.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses using a car for the trainee licence and what makes a vehicle suitable.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the role of an instructor when it comes to driving instruction lessons.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses how DRIVE's Part 3 coursework & in-car modules are linked together.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives a quick overview on starting Part 3 and what you should be doing.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives a quick overview on what the trainee licence is and how it can benefit you!
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives a quick overview on the Part 3 virtual classrooms and what they cover.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives a quick overview on the Part 3 in-car training to become a driving instructor.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses Part 3 coursework and the units that the training is made up of.
Watch our Part 3 introduction as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives a quick overview on what Part 3 is about.
Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the most common Part 2 faults for training to become a driving instructor.
Learn more about the driving instructor training process in this exclusive interview with John Farlam and Adam Bragg.
Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses what you should do once you have passed your Part 2 test to become a driving instructor!
Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses how many attempts you get at Part 2 and what can happen if you don't pass by then.
Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses what will happen in the event of a Part 2 test fail and what you should expect.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses what is a suitable car for the test of driving ability to become an ADI.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the part 2 test day and what should be expected on the day.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the benefits of 2-1 training during your in-car training.
In this lesson planning webinar, John Farlam, Adam Bragg & Mike Fowler discuss planning driving lessons for your pupils.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the idea of in-car training reflections and how they can benefit you.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the idea of in-car training location and how that affects you.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the idea of in-car training intro. What can be expected?
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the benefits of continuous practice during part 2 of the ADI training.
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the benefits of part 2 self-evaluation and when it should be done.
Your ADI Part 3 Test, what to take with you and why? Read on for all the information you will need to know for the day!
In this video, Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses working your way through the Part 2 coursework to become an ADI
DRIVE Driving school attended the ADINJC Conference 2024 where we discussed teaching strategies, training opportunities and our future!
With high wait times, it can be hard to know when to book your test. Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler talks booking your Part 2 test.
What is Part 2? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the importance of the Part 2 test and how to prepare.
One of the key parts of becoming an ADI is the Part 3 test, a test of your instructional ability. Read on for all you need to know!
One of the key parts of becoming an ADI is the Part 2 test, a test of your driving ability. Read on for all you need to know about Part 2!
Passed the Part 1 test and want to know what's next? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know!
To become an Approved Driving Instructor, you must pass the Part 1 Test. Read on for all you need to know about the Part 1 Test!
Want to know what happens if you failed the Part 1 test? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know!
Want to know what happens on the day of the Part 1 test? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses all you need to know!
Need some motivation for Part 1? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler gives his advice on Part 1 motivation.
Hazard Perception Test Study
Studying with DRIVE to become a driving instructor? Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses studying for the multiple choice test!
One of the key parts of the Part 1 test, is the Hazard Perception Test. Watch on for more information on what is involved.
One of the key parts of the Part 1 test, is the Multiple Choice Test. Watch on for more information on what is involved.
What is the Part 1 Test? Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the first of three tests required to becoming an ADI.
Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the steps involved for registering and applying for your IRDT account & PRN number.
Want to know how to check your CRB progress? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the method required.
What is the identity check for the CRB? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the required step.
What is the CRB Check? Watch on as Senior Trainer Mike Fowler discusses the first step of becoming an ADI.
DRIVE Driving School's part 3 test review webinar, conducted on the 16/11/2023
DRIVE Driving School's part 2 test review webinar, conducted on the 16/11/2023
Module 11. Module 11. Are you ready to become a confident driver? Emergency Stop. We are here to provide you…
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss pedestrian safety.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Manoeuvres'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Crossroads'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Junctions - Turning Right'
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Junctions Emerging'
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'meeting'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss stopping.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss moving off.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss signals.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss the 'Emergency Stop'
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss the 'first lesson'
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'what is your job?'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Overtaking and should you teach it?'
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'when is too much, too much'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss 'Does MSM really work and what are the alternatives?
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss a 'small chunk learning' and the benefits to you, your pupils and your lessons.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss a 'Typical teaching sequence- ie: lesson 1 - 10 + 10 to 20 etc'.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss when talking and helping can be too much...
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss the cockpit drill and is it necessary
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas discuss what is your job/learner's job, how relevant is it to Part 3 or SC and every lesson and where does this fit in with a sc form?
In this webinar, DRIVE discuss PST Testing for Northern Ireland
DRIVE discusses the steps needed for preparing for your first lesson.
In this webinar, DRIVE discuss the advertising campaigns and how the campaign areas work.
Training Principal John Farlam and Head Trainer Graham Lucas cover a quick resume of CCL
In this webinar, DRIVE discuss the advertising campaigns and how they work.
Webinar from SmartDriving in association with ADINJC, with Chris Kingsley (Lead ADI at QEF) about working with drivers with disabilities.
DRIVE discusses the rules of advertising when training to become a driving instructor.
Discussion with the Industry - Making Tax Digital
DRIVE discusses how to cover your costs while training to be a driving instructor.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
Keith Woodward discusses the stress and anxiety in our industry and the 'Calming The Anxious Mind' workshop course he has developed.
DRIVE discusses the process of contacting the customer as an instructor.
DRIVE discusses the area of teaching and how it can benefit your experience.
DRIVE discusses diary planning using Total Drive.
DRIVE discusses the customer service and administration aspect of being a driving instructor.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
Discussion with the Industry - NDORS.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
The Future of the Driving School with Smart Driving, ADI NJC & Red Driving School.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
John Sheridan answers questions on the impact of the new driving test, ORDIT and more.
ADI Support and Development Webinar from SmartDriving in association with ADI NJC was our Road Safety Consultation with Graham Feest.
Graham Lucas, Andrew Love & John Farlam discuss the standards check form.
SmartDriving’s John Farlam and Adam Bragg discuss the GDPR.
SME UK Enterprise 2024 Awards
Well done to Arash who qualified with us!
Well done to Justine who qualified with us!
Well done to Mike who qualified with us!
Well done to Patrick who qualified with us!
Well done to Patrick who qualified with us!
Well done to Charles who qualified with us!
Well done to Louise who qualified with us!
Well done to Alan who qualified with us!
Well done to Hardial who qualified with us!
Well done to Kev who qualified with us!
Well done to Daniel who qualified with us!
Well done to Harvey who qualified with us!
Well done to Mike who qualified with us!
Well done to Stuart who qualified with us!
Well done to Atik who qualified with us!
Well done to Jon who qualified with us!
Well done to Jan who qualified with us!
Well done to Kevin who qualified with us!
Well done to Dawn Butcher who qualified with us!
Well done to Sarah Robinson who qualified with us!
Well done to Clarence Thompson who qualified with us!
Well done to Jeremy who qualified with us!
Well done to John who qualified with us!
Well done to Suzanne Whetherby who qualified with us!
Well done to Mick who qualified with us!
Well done to Duncan who qualified with us!
Well done to Zsuzsanna who qualified with us!
Well done to Dean who qualified with us!
Well done to Keith who qualified with us!
Well done to Daniel who qualified with us!
Well done to Leah who qualified with us!
Well done to David who qualified with us!
Well done to Antony who qualified with us!
Well done to Lesleyann who qualified with us!
Well done to Peter who qualified with us!
Well done to Darren who qualified with us!
Well done to Keith who qualified with us!
Well done to Paul who qualified with us!
Well done to Geoff who qualified with us!
Well done to Sadhna who qualified with us!
Well done to Dale who qualified with us!
Well done to Dambar who qualified with us!
Well done to Phil who qualified with us!
Well done to Dan who qualified with us!
Well done to Mark who qualified with us!
Well done to Darien who qualified with us!
Well done to Andrew who qualified with us!
Well done to Brian who qualified with us!
Well done to James who qualified with us!
Well done to Kelly who qualified with us!
Well done to Jason who qualified with us!
Well done to Phil who qualified with us!
Well done to Lynsey who qualified with us!
Well done to Claire who qualified with us!
Well done to Paul who qualified with us!
Well done to Peter who qualified with us!
Well done to Claire who qualified with us!
Well done to Mark who qualified with us!
Well done to Chandra who qualified with us!
Well done to Avril who qualified with us!
Well done to Noel who qualified with us!
Well done to Sophie who qualified with us!
Well done to Stephen who qualified with us!
Well done to James who qualified with us!
Well done to Craig who qualified with us!
Well done to Darren who qualified with us!
Well done to Paul who qualified with us!
Well done to Brian who qualified with us!
Well done to Matt who qualified with us!
Well done to Craig who qualified with us!
Well done to Lance who qualified with us!
Well done to Daniel who qualified with us!
Well done to Suzanne who qualified with us!
Well done to Ailene who qualified with us!
Well done to Samantha who qualified with a top score of 51/51!
Well done to Umar who qualified with us!
Well done to Philip who qualified with us!
Well done to Aaron who qualified with us!
Well done to Mike who qualified with us!
Well done to Kathy who qualified with us!
Well done to Mihai who qualified with us!
Well done to Neil who qualified with us!
Well done to Eddie who qualified with us!
Well done to Mohammed who qualified with us!
Well done to Robert who qualified with us!
Well done to Gary who qualified with us!
Well done to John who qualified with us!
Well done to Razwan who qualified with us!
Well done to Rosie who qualified with us!
Well done to David who qualified with us!
Well done to Bob who qualified with us!
Well done to Jeff who qualified with us!
Well done to Nick who qualified with us!
Well done to Julie who qualified with us!
Well done to Alan who qualified with us!
Well done to Andy who qualified with us!
Well done to Chris who qualified with us!
Well done to Duncan who qualified with us!
Well done to Joe who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Sally who qualified with us last week!
Well done to James who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Teresa who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Akhtar who qualified with us last week!
Well done to David who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Akhtar who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Darren who qualified with us last week!
Well done to Tracy who qualified with us!
Well done to Robina who qualified with us!
Well done to Vanessa who qualified with us!
Well done Doug who qualified with us!
Well done Matthew who qualified with us with an A grade!
Well done Justin who qualified with us in Plymouth!
Well done Michael who qualified with us in Coventry!
Well done Lee who qualified with us in Worcester!
Well done to Nick who qualified in Stoke!
Well done to Josh who qualified with us in Stoke!
Well done to Julie who qualified with us in Guildford!
Well done to Leanne who qualified with us in Oldham!
Well done to Richard who qualified with us in Colchester!
Well done to Marie who qualified with us in Birmingham!
Well done to Shehla who qualified with us in Leicester!
Well done to Mohammed who qualified in Colchester!
Well done to Rob who qualified with in Middlesbrough!
Well done to Penny who qualified with us in Coventry!
Well done to Liz who qualified with us in Gillingham!
Well done to Sharon who qualified with us in Colchester!
Well done to Karl who qualified with us in Stoke!
Well done to James who passed their Standards Check!
Well done to Chris who qualified with us in Sheffield!
Well done to Rob who qualified in Derby!
Well done to Julie who passed their standards check!
Well done to Ramsay who qualified with us in Inverness!
Well done to Cathy who qualified with us in Crawley!
Well done to Leanna who qualified with us in Cardington!
Well done to Joanne who qualified with us in Stoke!
Well done to Debbie who qualified with us in Guildford!
Well done to Gary who qualified with us in Guildford!
Well done to Michelle who qualified with us in Winchester!
Well done to Daniel who qualified with us in Shrewsbury!
Well done to Bhavin who qualified with us in Bristol!
Well done to Wayne who qualified with us in Norwich!
Well done to Yat who qualified with us in Stevenage!
Well done to Keith who qualified with us in Heysham!
Well done to Bilal who qualified with us in Edinburgh!
Well done to Mohammed who qualified with us in Birmingham!
Well done to Michelle who qualified with us in Redhill!
Well done to Jim who qualified with us in Corbridge!
Well done to Colin who qualified with us in Galashiels!
Well done to Mark who qualified with us in Darlington!
Well done to Alun who qualified with us in Hull!
Well done to Liz who qualified with us in Burgess Hill!