
Driving Through Tunnels

Now, you’re probably looking at the title and thinking: ‘Tunnels are easy; you just keep going until you get to the other end.’

Well, yes, that’s true. Keeping your vehicle going is, unsurprisingly, part of the deal. But driving through tunnels can cause anxiety in some drivers, so we thought we’d tackle this topic head on with another one of our how-to guides.

How to drive through tunnels safely

DRIVE Driving School tunnel

On the approach to a tunnel

– Make sure you get in lane early

– Make sure your lights are on. It’s really important to see and be seen – that sunny day won’t make any difference when you’re in a tunnel.

– Keep an eye out for speed limits, as they might change as you approach a tunnel so stay alert for signs near or on the tunnel entrance

– Keep the radio tuned to the local traffic news and look for any information signs on the roadside or on gantries. It’s the best way of finding out if there any issues before you enter a tunnel.

When you’re in the tunnel

– Keep your distance as this will give you plenty of time to react if there’s a problem up ahead

– If you’re feeling anxious, remind yourself that driving in the tunnel is only a very small part of your journey. Focus on getting through by visualising your vehicle safely emerging from the other end.

If traffic stops in the tunnel

– Leave a safe space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front

– Stop your engine if congestion brings traffic to a standstill

– Don’t get out of your car unless it’s an emergency

If you break down in a tunnel

– Pull over to the left

– Switch on your hazard warning lights

– Stop your engine

– Use an emergency telephone to call for help

If there’s a fire in the tunnel

– Switch on your hazard lights and keep as far back from the source of fire as possible

– Stop your engine

– If the fire is out of control, you should exit the tunnel without delay – follow the emergency exit signs

– Call for help from the nearest emergency exit point


DRIVE Driving School tunnels

In conclusion, driving through tunnels can indeed be straightforward, but it’s essential to approach them with awareness and preparation to ensure a safe journey. By following a few simple guidelines, such as getting into the correct lane early, keeping your lights on, and staying informed about traffic conditions, you can significantly reduce any anxiety associated with tunnel driving.

Once inside the tunnel, maintaining a safe following distance and focusing on the fact that this segment is just a small part of your overall trip can help alleviate stress. If traffic stops or if you encounter a breakdown or emergency situation, it’s crucial to remain calm and follow specific protocols, such as leaving space between vehicles, using hazard lights, and knowing when and how to exit safely if necessary.

Remember, tunnels are designed with safety in mind, but it’s up to us as drivers to be prepared and respond appropriately to any unexpected circumstances. By staying alert, informed, and ready to act responsibly, you can confidently navigate tunnels and reach your destination with peace of mind. Safe travels!
