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Theory Practice
Ready to test your driving knowledge?
1 / 10
You're about to drive home. What should you do if you feel very tired and have a severe headache?
2 / 10
You're about to reverse into a side road. What should you do if a pedestrian is waiting to cross behind your car?
3 / 10
When would you increase the pressure in your tyres so that it's above the normal value?
4 / 10
How should you position yourself when you use the emergency telephone on a motorway?
5 / 10
What should you do before slowing down or stopping your vehicle?
6 / 10
What should you do if you're being followed by an ambulance showing flashing blue lights?
7 / 10
What's the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles on a dual carriageway?
8 / 10
You're driving down a one-way street. What should you do if you realise you've taken the wrong route?
9 / 10
Why should you make sure your indicators are turned off after a junction?
10 / 10
You're driving towards a zebra crossing.
What should you do if a person in a wheelchair is waiting to cross?
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