“In this short video, we breifly recap the right turn skills we have discussed so far. As you approach a right turn, you will use the mirrors-signal-manoeuvre routine. This is broken into mirrors, signal, position, speed and gear, and look.
Check your mirrors early to make sure it is safe to turn. You can use all your mirrors, but the interior and right door mirror will usually be the most useful.
Give your signal early to help and warn other orad users that you are turning, but not too early because that could mislead people into thinking that you intend to move across the road and stop on the right.
Move to a position that is just left of the centre of the road or available road space. This will allow other traffic to pass you on the left.
Reduce speed before changing gear if the road is clear. Be prepared to stop and give way to approaching traffic.
Make sure that the road ahead is clear and then, before making the turn, check your mirrors again – especially the right door mirror. Look into the new road for anything that would prevent you from turning, remembering that you must give way to pedestrians who are crossing after turning. Cancel your signal and check your mirrors again before increasing speed.”