
Turning Right - Signal

“After checking your mirrors and deciding that it’s safe to turn right, you need to let other road users know what you intend to do.

The timing of your signal is important. Too early and other road users might think you’re just signalling to pass a parked vehicle or other obstruction. Too late and they might not have enough time to react safely. There is no fixed distance at which to give a signal.

The timing will depend on the location of the turn, your speed turning and the speed limit.

On faster roads, you will need to signal sooner to allow others enough time to respond. Likewsie, if the turn is very tight and requires you to go very slow or even stop before turning. Take care not to give misleading signals. If there is a road on thethe right, before the one you wish to take, delay your signal until you are passing it.

The key points are:

– Always check your mirrors before signalling.
– There is no fixed distance from which you should give a signal.
– Location, speed and speed limits will affect the signal timing.
– Signal sooner on fast roads and for very tight turns.
– Take care not to give misleading signals.”
