
Reversing on Right Overview

“In this lesson, you wil learn how to stop on the right and, where necessary, to reverse before moving off. The key points are:

– Choosing a safe place to stop
– Stopping safely
– Reversing
– Moving away safely

In everyday driving, you will ideally find a place to stop on the left whenever possible. This will usually be safer and more convienent. However, there will be times when you need to stop on the right, perhaps because you are loading or unloading, or have an elderly on infirm passenger who needs to get out on the right. When stopping on the right, you must choose a safe, legal and convienent place, as you would when stopping on the left.

Look well ahead to decide where to stop. As you approach, signal right and give way to any approaching vehicles. When the road is clear, move across the road and park reasonably close to the kerb. Apply your handbrake and select neutral.

During a U.K. driving test, the examiner will ask you to reverse in a straight line at this point. In normal driving, you might have to reverse a few feet before moving off, in order to get a good view. For example, if there is a vehicle parked in front of you, as shown here.

Select reverse gear and look all around to make sure that it is safe before you start to reverse. Here the driver starts to reverse slowly using clutch control but then stops to allow other traffic to pass. Although the slow reversing would not be a major inconvenience to the other traffic, it would be dangerous to keep moving because the driver can not concentrate on reversing and watch the other traffic at the same time.

You must be aware of what is happening all around you when you are reversing. During the driving test, you will be asked to reverse for two car lengths. After reversing, stop and secure the car.

In normal driving, you would need to reverse far enough to get a good view of the traffic before moving away.

Make your normal, all around safety checks before starting to move, paying particular attention to your left blind spot. Here, the blue car emerging from the junction wouldn’t be visible in the driver’s mirrors. Signal left and move off when the road is clear and safe, moving immediately to the left hand side of the road. Check your mirrors and gently increase your speed.”
