
Moving Off & Stopping - Stopping in Traffic

“You will often have to stop and start in traffic. To do this safely, you need to follow the same routines you do when stopping at the side of the road. When stopping, use the Mirrors, Signal, Manoeuvre routine. Check your mirrors to decide how to stop. It might be safe to simply brake and stop.

However, if there is a vehicle very close behind, you can help the driver by pressing the brake pedal lightly to activate your brake lights as a warning signal before pressing harder to slow down and stop. Here, the brake lights are the singal in the Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre routine.

If you are stopping for more than a few moments, for example at a pedestrian crossing or traffic light, use the handbrake to secure the car. When waiting to move off at traffic queues at traffic lights or other situations, you can select first gear early in anticipation of the move.

However, it’s not usually a good idea to wait for a long time with the car in gear. This can risk jerking forwards if your foot slips off the clutch

Before moving off, check all of your mirrors to make sure that it is safe. In some situations, especially in towns where there might be lots of pedestrians and cyclists, it can be useful to check your left and right blind spots, as well as your mirrors.

The key points are

– When stopping in traffic, use the MSM routine.
– Use your brake lights as a signal ifothers are following close behind, to give them time to react.
– Use the handbrake if waiting for more than a few moments.
– You can select first gear in anticipation but don’t wait in gear for too long.
– Check all mirrors before moving off
– Check your blind-spots when necessary.”
