“On your approach, use your normal MSM routine. Your approach will be similar to a normal left turn using the mirror, signal, manoeuvre routine. The difference here is the consideration of your signal timing.
Check your mirrors early before the first road on the left. Ask yourself how turning left might affect followign drivers. It’s important not to signal too soon. This could confuse other road users into thinking that you intend to take the first road on the left. Signal left as you are passing or have just passed the first road. Maintain your normal road position, about one metre from the curb.
You will usually need to use your foot brake to slow down to your turning speed, before starting to steer. If necessary, change gear before you arrive at the junction.
After turning, make sure that your signal is cancelled and check your mirrors. This will tell you whether it is safe to increase your speed. The key points are:
– Use your mirrors, signal, manoeuvre routine as you approach the junction.
– Don’t signal too early because this could confuse other drivers into thinking you’re taking the first road.
– Signal as you’re passing or after you have passed the first road on the left.”