“Driving instructors categorise T-Junctions in two ways, open and closed. The terms open and closed refer to your view in the main road as you approach the junction.
An open junction is one where you have a good view into the main road as you approach. At open junctions, it is sometimes possible to enter the new road without having to stop. Open junctions are usually controlled by give way signs and lines.
At a closed junction, you will not have a good view into the main road until you are very close to it or have arrived at the junction because of the limited view. Many closed junctions are controlled with stop signs and solid stop lines. You will almost always need to stop at a closed junction and you must always stop at a junction controlled with a stop line, even if you think the road might be clear.
By scanning the road ahead, you will see give way or stop signs well in advance. Other clues that you are approaching a T-Junction might include breaks in houses and traffic movement on the main road ahead.
Where there are road markings at the junction, there will usually be hazard warning lines on the approach. Long, white centre lines with short gap where there are signs.
You can even spot the junctions if the signs are dirty or masked by snow and ice. This is because the give way sign is the only inverted triangular sign and the stop sign is the only eight sided sign. These are unique.
The key points are:
– T-Junctions can be described as open or closed.
– Open junctions give the driver a good view on the approach
– At closed junctions, the view is restricted.
– By scanning the road you will see signs and/or traffic. movement well ahead.
– The unique shape of give way and stop signs means that they can be identified, even if they are dirty or snow covered.”