
Trainee Licence Time Management

“Whilst working on the trainee licence, you must be very firm with the working hours you set yourself

You will need to balance gaining experience with additional training, alongside any current job, family life, and other commitments you have. For this reason, It’s worth allocating specific days to specific areas to minimise fuel costs and maximise time during your working hours

Also bear in mind the time needed between lessons to get from one learner to the next, as well as comfort breaks.

The main purpose of the trainee licence is to get you out on the road gaining experience, so it will be worth travelling further and being flexible on time in order to maximise your preparation time leading up to the part 3.

We had a bus driver who was a PDI, who chose not to do a 2 hour session at 30 per hour, because they would need to travel 30 mins each way.

If their costs were 200 per week, then the lesson time and travel time would have been factored into how many hours need to be worked to cover costs.

Don’t run before you can walk – If you aim to cover your costs, the return on investment of being a Trainee instructor is gaining valuable teaching experience, rather than solely profits.”
