
Failed Your Part 1 Test?

“There are a number of reasons you may have failed the test. The most common reasons for failing we see are passing one element, but not the other. For example, passing the hazard perception but failing the multiple choice element.

Or passing the multiple choice element, but failing to score high enough on one band, for example, you score 90 out of 100 overall but only score 19 on one band, meaning you fail the test.

Clicking in a rythmn or pattern on the hazard perception element will also mean you fail the test. This means you’ve reacted to the hazard, rather than using the potential, developing and actual hazard method.

Whatever your test result is, we would recommend sending your test sheet to the training support team who will recommend further study for you to re-prepare for your next test. Do not book another test until you have spoken to the team, this way we can enforce any guarantees and give you the best chances of passing your test.”
