
T-Junction to the Left

“So again, we’re driving along. Hey, there’s a road sign and we’ve spotted it’s a warning triangle road sign and it’s some sort of junction. We know this because there is a thick, black line. That’s the road that we are on adn it’s going from the bottom of the sign towards the top.

In this case, look at the diagram. What we have is our road turns a sharp left and on that corner, there is a minor road to our right and if you look at that with your eyes squinted up a little bit, it looks a bit like a letter T.

So, this is called a T-Junction now. There are other versions of this T-Junction. Clearly, if our road goes around to the right and there’s a minor road to the left, we could call that a T-Junction as well.

A T-Junction is often seen as arriving at another road from our road, so we are going from the bottom of the sign to the top of the sign and across, left to right, we are meeting with another road. That’s a traditional T-Junction and at that traditional T-Junction, you’re likely to have to give way to traffic on the main road.

On the previous examples, such as this one, you’re not giving way to the traffic on your right in this diagram, because the main road itself that we are going on is going to the left. Hope that makes sense.”
