
Turning Right - Second Right

“In this lesson, you’ll learn about turning from a main road into the second side road on the right. The key points are:

Using the MSM routine when approaching.
Making sure that it’s safe to turn.
Safety checks after turning.

When approaching, for a safe approach to the junction, use the mirrors, signal, manouevre routine.

Mirrors. is it safe to signal? Slow down and look out for overtaking vehicles, particularly motorbikes or bicycles. In slower moving traffic, you will usually need to check the mirrors again after another couple of times before you turn.

Signal. After checking your mirrors, scan the road ahead to make sure it’s safe, before signalling right. Time your signal so that it does not confuse people into thinking that you want to take the first road on the right. To do this, signal as you draw level with the first road. After signalling, start to move into a position just left of teh centre line; unless road and traffic conditions or road markings indicate otherwise.

You will usuallly need your foot brake to slow down, combined with your right turn signal, your brake lights will warn drivers behind that you are slowing down to turn, making sure that it’s safe to turn.

You need to make the decision to turn or stop before you arrive at the junction. When making this decision, bear in mind that you must give way to any traffic that is coming towards you.

Before you turn, make sure that there is enough space for the full length of your vehicle in the side road. If in any doubt, wait and give way to pedestrians who are crossing the road that you are turning into before turning. Check your right door mirror and make a quick blind spot check to the right for any vehicles that might be overtaking, especially cyclists or motorcyclists who can be difficult to see safely in the new road.

Make sure your signal is cancelled and check your mirrors before increasing your speed.”
