
Moving Off & Stopping - Stopping

“In the same way that we have a routine for moving off, there’s also a routine for stopping. In fact, the method for stopping is similar to the moving off routine. It’s a routine that will be at the heart of everything else you learn.

The Mirror Signal Manoeuvre routine is an essential requirement for safe driving and you’ve already started to learn about this routine. When you make your moving off observation checks and decide whether to give a signal before moving off, you are effectively using a version of the Mirror Signal Manoeuvre routine.

You will learn more about the routine as the course develops, however it’s useful to understand the basics will help you with moving off and stopping.

The routine starts with mirrors. The reason for always checking your mirrors first is simple, you are asking yourself the following question: Is it safe to manoeuvre? In this case, the manoeuvre is stopping.

For example, if your mirror checks show that someone is following too close behind, you might decide to stop a little further along the road. Doing this would give the following driver more time to react to your acions.

Check your interior mirror and both of your door mirrors. Use the passenger door mirror whenever you are moving into the left, signal left.

Your signal is designed to help or warn other road users. Anytime another road user might be affected by your actions, you will need a signal.

When stopping and parking, your decision to signal will depend on what you see ahead of you and in your mirrors. If there is no one to benefit from your signal, then there is no need to signal. Avoid signalling out of habit, as this can lead to observation checks being forgotten.

Here, your manoeuvre is stopping. To stop the car, press the footbrake gently and progressively. Then press the clutch down just before the car stops.

The amount of pressure that you use on the footbrake depends on how fast the car is moving, whether you are driving on the level or up/downhill and how soon you want to stop.

When first learning, it can be tempting to look down at the kerb to see how close you are when stopping. But if you do this, you will often end up hitting it. This gets very expensive as it wrecks your tyres.

When driving normally, you need to look well ahead for accurate steering. It’s the same when stopping. Visualise the space ahead that you want to stop in and then aim for that space, looking well ahead to keep the car straight as you do so.

After the car has come to a complete stop, apply the handbrake and select neutral in that order. If you select neutral before applying the parking brake, the car will not be secure.

The key points are:

– Use the MSM Routine

– Always use your mirrors before stopping or signalling

– Use all mirrors before stopping

– Press the footbrake gently and progressively

– Press the clutch before the car stops

– Look well ahead as you stop

– Parking brake, then neutral”
